Whittlesey Poppy Blitz, the organisation behind the town’s annual Remembrance poppy displays, is back for its fifth year running. And it has launched a new display location, as well as its tribute to a valiant war animal.
The Garden of Remembrance remains the centre of activities, with a variety of poppies, knitted military people and other adornments carpeting the grounds, along with the proud purple horse, which will be watching over them all.

Visitors will also find a new display honouring the sacrifices of another animal that went to war, a piece that students from Peterborough College assisted in creating.

There will be a new showstopper poppy display at Harrington House on the square, as well as decorative nods of respect dotted around the bus station, post boxes, bollards and more throughout the town centre.

Whittlesey Poppy Blitz depends on donations to continue its important work and support its nominated charities for 2024, the Whittlesey Royal British Legion and the Whittlesey Detachment of the Cambridgeshire Army Cadet Force.

The team has been busy reaching out to local businesses and residents, with a number of sponsorships secured and donations received.

The team has also been running stalls at the Armed Forces Weekend and the Whittlesey Festival, where a range of beautiful handmade gifts and decorations, as well as poppy-themed items, have been available to purchase.
Keen to show its support to the town and its employees, Manor Packaging jumped at the chance to be this year’s headline sponsor, signing up before any other business.

As part of its sponsorship, Manor Packaging will feature across the Poppy Blitz’s promotional materials and within the Garden of Rest.
Looked awesome at night in the garden of rest …
Pics @garyswan2 pic.twitter.com/nDmCkY4RYH— Sir Paul A (@PaulAllen007) October 29, 2024
Other sponsors include JCH Aggregates, One Word Graphics, the Conifers Guest House, and Silver River.
This year, the Poppy Blitz team has confirmed that Poppy’s Coffee Bar will be its official poppy seller for the duration of the displays, and the Muffin Oven will also be supporting its efforts with a window display.

The event’s official photographs were taken by local professional photographer Mandy Wright, and its first charity dance will be hosted for free by the Whittlesey Conservative Club, with local performer Stevie B also donating his time and talent to the cause.
Displays went up yesterday (Sunday) and will remain until after Remembrance Sunday on 10th November 2024.

Whittlesey Poppy Blitz has this year launched an online donation platform to make it as easy as possible for individuals to support the cause. Just visit www.gofundme.com/f/help–fund–our–poppy–displays to donate.
Every year the Whittlesey Poppy Blitz team aims to ‘Paint the town Poppy red’, in support of Remembrance and to put Whittlesey on the map.
Year on year the team of volunteers behind the displays have ambitions to grow the event, by introducing new, exciting pieces, and extending the locations across town.

It’s hoped that this will also help to bring our community together.
There is a whole lot of work that goes in to preparing for the displays. A host of creative volunteers start work in January each year to help maintain the existing displays and knit or crochet for new features.

As an example, it takes 15 minutes for an experienced knitter or crocheter to create one poppy. The war horse is covered in 3,000 poppies – that’s 31.25 volunteer days before they are even added to the frame.
Manor Packaging specialises in the design and manufacture of bespoke corrugated cardboard boxes of all types.
They serve the middle tier of business so not the smallest or the largest of production runs. Manor don’t produce any stock boxes but are specialists in custom packaging including e-commerce boxes, die cut and glued boxes, printed boxes, shelf and retail-ready packaging and pallet boxes.