A public consultation on whether to put a bridge or a signalised crossing at the Witchford Road/BP Garage roundabout junction at Ely began today and closes on March 5. Cambridgeshire County Council launched the consultation following studies funded by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority.
A year ago, the Combined Authority approved over half a million pounds “to work for a safer active traveller crossing to the next stage”.
The county council believes the A10 is a barrier to pedestrians and cyclists who want to travel between Ely and Witchford and wider destinations in the A142/Witchford road corridor such as Lancaster Way Business Park.
Up to £6m has been provisionally earmarked by the Combined Authority to fund the improvement works.
“This project aims to provide a safe all-weather active travel route to cross the A10 near the Witchford Road/BP Garage roundabout junction,” said a council spokesperson.
“The options being explored are a signalised crossing and an overbridge.”

An initial ‘BP Roundabout Crossing Study’, also funded by the Combined Authority, concluded that the A10 not only impedes cyclists and pedestrians trying to move between Witchford and Ely but prevents onward journeys to the south-west of Ely and beyond.
Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Dr Nik Johnson, has previously said that “making this busy junction as safe as possible for all road users is of vital importance”.
He added: “We want people to feel confident cycling, walking, riding, and wheeling so I’m delighted that the board voted to move this forward,” said
Where can I find consultation and survey information?
You can access the consultation and take the survey by visiting Ely to Witchford Active Travel Crossing on Consult Cambs website.
How can I have my say?
There are many ways you can be involved. You can complete the online survey and join virtual and in person events.

investigation and design work, should this option be chosen as the preferred option.
Online webinars
- Tuesday 4 February 2025. 7pm to 8pm. Sign up here: (4 February) Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams
- Wednesday 26 February 2025. 1pm to 2.15pm. Sign up here: (26 February) Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams
In person events
- Tuesday 11 February 2025. 3pm to 7pm. Main hall, Witchford Village College, Manor Road, CB6 2JA.
- Thursday 27 February 2025. 10.30am to 2.30pm. Meeting room, Ely Library, 6 The Cloisters, Ely, CB7 4ZH.
Visit the unattended exhibition at Ely Library. The exhibition will be available during library opening hours throughout the consultation period.

You can also email elytowitchford@cambridgeshire.gov.uk with your questions and feedback.
Or write to the county council at ALC2604, New Shire Hall, Emery Crescent, Enterprise Campus, Alconbury Weald, Huntingdon, PE28 4YE.
Why is it important?
The A10 represents a barrier to pedestrians and cyclists attempting to access Witchford from Ely (and vice-versa) and prevents onward movement to the southwest of Ely and beyond.

The public consultation for the Ely to Witchford Active Travel Crossing project is now open. The consultation will close at 11.59pm on Wednesday, 5 March 2025.
Current crossing provision at Witchford Road / BP Garage roundabout consists of an unsignalised crossing on the northern A10 arm of the roundabout featuring dropped kerbs, tactile paving and a central pedestrian refuge.
A significant amount of traffic uses the A10 everyday which can make it feel unsafe and challenging to cross for walkers, wheelers and cyclists.
The current crossing is exposed and requires people to cross four lanes of busy traffic, stopping at a small pedestrian island in between.
The Ely to Witchford Active Travel Crossing aims to address these problems and provide a new crossing and improve safety in all weather, encourage an increase in active travel, support local businesses and connect communities.
What difference will it make?
The Ely to Witchford Active Travel Crossing will allow people to walk, wheel and cycle more easily between Ely and Witchford, improving accessibility to jobs, education and services and boosting the local economy.
It will improve accessibility between Ely and Witchford for people walking, wheeling and cycling and reduce the reliance on car as a means of travel for local journeys.
Residents and visitors will be encouraged to reduce their carbon emissions through increased active travel.

It will provide a safer crossing for people walking, wheeling and cycling, including vulnerable users, older people and those with disabilities. The risk of collisions involving cars and those using active travel will significantly reduce.
Who is responsible for delivering the transport scheme?
Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) is responsible for delivering the scheme, funded by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) as project sponsor.
What has happened to date?
WSP was commissioned in April 2023 by Cambridgeshire County Council to undertake a feasibility study that examined the possible options to provide a safe all-weather route for those wishing to use active travel modes, for example walking, wheeling and cycling, to cross the A10 in the vicinity of the Witchford Road/BP Garage roundabout junction.
This route connects Ely to Witchford Village, encompassing Lancaster Way Business Park and wider destination in the A142/Witchford Road corridor.
An Options Assessment Report was produced in October 2023 which considered the relative merits of potential solutions and provide a shortlist of options.
Several solutions were assessed including six overbridges, two underpasses and six signalised crossings. The Options Assessment Report recommended two overbridges, and one signalised crossing were taken forward to Outline Business Case stage.
When was funding granted for the feasibility study and by who?
In May 2024 Jacobs UK were commissioned by Cambridgeshire County Council to undertake the Outline Business Case for the three options recommended in the previous stage. The options have been subject to further assessment and development and have been refined.
The options will be presented at public consultation until March 2025 subject to approvals. A consultation report will be produced and fed into the assessment process.

A preferred option recommendation is expected to be delivered in June 2025.
Where is the project currently?
Cambridgeshire County Council and Jacobs are developing an Outline Business Case which will deliver a recommendation of the preferred option in June 2025.
The public consultation for the Ely to Witchford Active Travel Crossing project is now open. The consultation will close at 11.59pm on Wednesday, 5 March 2025.
Cambridgeshire County Council are seeking residents and stakeholders views on the three proposed crossing options (two overbridges and one signalised crossing), and potential additional elements such as onward connections.
The council says feedback during the public consultation will support the decision-making process in delivering a recommended preferred option to take forward in June 2025.
What is the next stage?
Once the Outline Business Case has been completed and a preferred option has been recommended this will be presented to CPCA Transport and Infrastructure Committee, and Cambridgeshire County Council Highways and Transport Committee.
The county council will then be seeking approval for funding the next stage of the project. The next stage of the project will be detailed design and Full Business Case.
Get in touch
Email: elytowitchford@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
Telephone: 0345 045 5212
On X: @CambsCC #elytowitchford
On Facebook: @CambridgeshireCC
Where can I find out more?
You can access the public consultation page by visiting Ely to Witchford Active Travel Crossing on Consult Cambs website.
The council is inviting anyone interested or affected by the junction to complete the online survey and join virtual and in person events.