Next Monday morning sees the start of ten one-hour events which actor David Learner sees as the antidote to fitness classes. “In the past we’ve got used to squeezing into the Spandex, throwing ourselves around for an hour and sweating a lot,” says David. “I prefer to walk, or at most break into a gentle trot around the paddock.”
Much to his surprise David’s going to be playing Alderman Fitzwarren in Dick Whittington this Christmas, beginning in Soham on 1st December. After a break of few days the rest of the run will be at Haverhill Arts Centre: the final performance is on Christmas Eve.
It was director Dan Schumann who called David to put him on the spot.
“How could I refuse?” says David. “I first met Dan when he was 16. I couldn’t have known he’d track me down after two decades. It’s a professional show with a talented young cast. I think I’m there to balance the ages!”
David’s experience has seen him perform in over 100 stage shows, with forays into radio and TV along the way.
He was Pickle in ITV’s fantasy adventure game Knightmare and Marvin the Paranoid Android in the BBC’s Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
On and off he’s lived in and around the Fens for almost forty years.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” he says.
Why then the classes at Manea Village Hall under the umbrella title Move with Dave?
“I needed to get fit,” says David. “The classes are exactly the sort of warm-up you’d do before you headed on stage for a live performance. They’re not intended to wear you out – they’re planned to get your body going and keep it chugging on for at least the next couple of hours.

Ten one hour free ‘Move with Dave’ classes start at 9.30am for an hour every weekday from Monday 13th to Friday 24th November. Above: David Learner and the panto he will appear in at Soham and Haverhill
“Think of it as moving with attitude and a big, big smile. I could have done it alone or I could have invited folk in for an hour of fun. And it’s free!”
The classes start at 9.30am for an hour every weekday from Monday 13th to Friday 24th November.

Ten one hour free ‘Move with Dave’ classes start at 9.30am for an hour every weekday from Monday 13th to Friday 24th November. David Learner will appear in panto at Soham and Haverhill
Booking isn’t required and all ages and abilities are welcome.