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1,375 cannabis plants worth £1.1million seized by Cambridgeshire police

Today we have counting of plants, Yesterday, we had stopping bad parking, And tomorrow morning, We shall have what to do about speeding.  But to-day, Today we have counting of plants; Japonica glistens like coral in all of the neighbouring gardens, And today we have counting of plants.

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Police were kept busy counting cannabis plants found after a ‘visit’ to Shelford Bottom near Cambridge. Acting on a tip-off Cambridgeshire police found 1,375 cannabis plants which they estimate could be worth more than £1.1 million.

The plants were seized. Police said they found the plants inside two outbuildings off Babraham Road, Shelford Bottom, on Tuesday; the plants were of varying sizes.

Cannabis plants – 1,375 of them – found by police at Shelford Bottom near Cambridge.

Cannabis plants – 1,375 of them – found by police at Shelford Bottom near Cambridge.

One man aged 37 from Shelford Bottom was arrested on suspicion of cultivating cannabis. He has since been bailed to return to a police station in December.

Sergeant Amanda Rossiter, from the Neighbourhood Support Team, said: “Thanks to information from the community, this illegal drug will no longer reach the streets.

“With the help of local residents, we will continue to tackle and dismantle cannabis factories and make clear to criminal groups that our county is a hostile environment for them in which their trade is neither welcome nor tolerated.

Cannabis plants – 1,375 of them – found by police at Shelford Bottom near Cambridge.

Cannabis plants – 1,375 of them – found by police at Shelford Bottom near Cambridge.

There are key signs to spot a property that could be being used as a cannabis factory:

Frequent visitors to a property at unsocial hours throughout the day and night

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Blacked out windows or condensation on the windows, even when it is not cold outside

Bright lights in rooms throughout the night

Electricity meters being tampered with/altered and new cabling, sometimes leading to street lighting. High electricity bills can also be an indicator

A powerful, distinctive, sweet, sticky aroma and noise from fans

Cannabis plants – 1,375 of them – found by police at Shelford Bottom near Cambridge.

Cannabis plants – 1,375 of them – found by police at Shelford Bottom near Cambridge.

Lots of work or deliveries of equipment to an address, particularly those associated with growing plants indoors without soil such as heaters and lighting

An excessive amount of plant pots, chemicals, fertilisers, and compost

Anyone with information about a potential cannabis factory or drug dealing can contact police online or call 101.

People can also contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111




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