It is time for change. This is our chance to build a better Britain, and a better Peterborough. I’ve been overwhelmed by messages of support since the date of the General Election was announced.
People in our city want change. After 14 years of the Conservatives, families are worse off, less safe and have fewer opportunities. But we know that, under a Labour government, things can get better.
However, the change we need won’t simply happen by itself, the General Election is not a foregone conclusion.

We will work hard for every single vote until the polls close at 10pm on Thursday 4 July.
If you want a better future for Peterborough, then I call on you to please get involved. This election is about the future. It’s about making life easier, fixing the NHS, making work pay and turning our city around.
Do not wake up the morning after polling day and wish you could have done more. We can’t afford another five years of the Conservatives doing our city down, or have the Conservatives extend their miserable rule to two decades.
Join me, and, together, we will build a better future for Peterborough.
Andrew Pakes is Labour & Co-operative Parliamentary Candidate for Peterborough at the General Election.