A police chase across part of Cambridgeshire last night ended with a police car being rammed and suspected thieves fleeing on foot.
Huntingdonshire Police reported on the dramatic early hours theft and chase in a Facebook post.
At 2.11am police said they got a call of a keyless car theft in Eaton Ford, St Neots.

“Within 30 minutes, with the assistance of our road policing team, armed policing team and dog unit we locate the vehicle in Lolworth,” said a police spokesperson.
That was 18 miles from the scene of the theft.
Police say the thieves were “in the process of having the number plates changed”.
Caught red handed, the thieves rammed the police car “and they drive off”.
But it may have a less than happy ending for the thieves.

“What they don’t realise is we’re at the end of the road with a stinger which forced them to leave the vehicle and go off on foot,” said the Facebook post.

“The dog tracks the driver to the A14 where it is suspected he was collected.
“With his DNA at the scene, we’ll be knocking soon….”