In a shock poll by YouGov, MP Lucy Frazer is one of 11 Cabinet members predicted to lose her seat at the next General Election. And in Peterborough Labour looks certain to remove Conservative MP Paul Bristow.
In a constituency-by-constituency breakdown Lib Dems are on target to win two of the eight Cambridgeshire constituencies at the next election – and Labour will take Peterborough.
The analysis comes from a YouGov survey of 14,000 people which was described by the Tory supporting Daily Telegraph who commissioned it as “the most authoritative opinion poll in five years”.

The Conservative Party faces a major crisis with the poll predicting an electoral wipe out at the next general election – with major changes predicted in Cambridgeshire.
Here’s what the outcome might look like for the county:
1: Peterborough – Andrew Pakes (Labour gain)
2: Ely and East Cambs – Charlotte Cane (Lib Dem gain)
3: Cambridge: Daniel Zeichner – (Labour hold)
4: St Neots and Mid Cambs – Anthony Browne (Con win)
5: NE Cambridgeshire – Steve Barclay (Con hold)
6: South Cambridgeshire – Pippa Heylings (Lib Dem gain)
7: NW Cambridgeshire – Sharish Varda – (Con hold)
8: Huntingdon, Ben Obese-Jecty – (Con hold)
The poll predicts the Conservatives wipe-out will mirror the scale of the 1997 election.
A new Parliament could see Labour sweeping to power with 385 seats and the Conservatives reduced to just 169 seats – a 120 seat majority for Sir Keir Starmer.
The Daily Telegraph says such a victory in all likelihood would see Labour remain in power for at least a decade since “no party with such a sizeable majority has ever lost the subsequent election”.
Ironically the poll, reports the Telegraph, was commissioned by a group of Conservative donors called the Conservative Britain Alliance and carried out by YouGov, working with the Conservative peer Lord Frost.
Cambridgeshire will elect 8 MPs instead of 7 at next General Election
Lord Frost told the paper poll’s findings were “stunningly awful” and the Conservatives facing “an extinction event”.
Conservatives choose Benjamin Obese-Jecty for new Huntingdon seat
Final recommendations of the Boundaries Commission created the 8th Cambridgeshire constituency.