Four Cambridgeshire schools attended a regional award ceremony for their achievements in promoting sustainable travel and developing school travel plans. The schools made a shortlist of only 124 schools across England chosen to take part in the 2023 Modeshift STARS Regional Awards.
Earlier this month, the schools attended the virtual ceremony and were joined by other nominated schools from across the eastern region.
At the regional heat, both Highfield Littleport Academy and Barnabas Oley C. of E. Primary School won STARS Local Authority School of the Year 2023/24 awards.
Highfield Littleport then went on to receive STARS Regional SEND School of the Year 2023/24 – East of England.
Highfield Littleport, which is part of The Active Learning Trust, will now go on to represent the East of England in person at the National STARS School Travel Awards in London in March 2024. This is when they will represent our county with other successful schools from the region.
Modeshift STARS, which is supported by the Department for Transport, is the national school travel awards scheme to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting walking, cycling and other forms of sustainable travel for the journey to and from school.
Since signing up to Modeshift STARS, Highfield Littleport has created, developed, and implemented a range of activities. Their mission has been to educate children and families of the school about the benefits of travelling sustainably to and from school.
They have highlighted the benefits to health and wellbeing and how it also helps the planet. It has been a whole school effort to improve the number of children taking part in active travel.
Cllr Alex Beckett, chair of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Highways and Transport Committee, said: “We are incredibly proud of the schools in Cambridgeshire who have worked so hard to support sustainable and active travel in the county.

“It is a massive achievement to be nominated for these awards and I would like to say a huge well done to all our schools who have been nominated this year. Their hard work and dedication to sustainable and active travel must be applauded. I wish Highfield Littleport the best of luck in the national awards.”
Yvonne Skillern, Headteacher at Highfield Littleport Academy, said: “We pride ourselves in providing and promoting accessible and sustainable travel options to our pupils and we are delighted to have been recognised with this award. We look forward to representing Cambridgeshire next year at the national awards.”
Cambridgeshire County Council’s Road Safety team invites more schools in Cambridgeshire to take part in the Modeshift STARS travel planning scheme to encourage sustainable school travel. More information about the scheme can be found at