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540 ‘Gateway’ homes – and new medical centre – for Soham up for approval

The plans will be decided on August 13 by East Cambs Council

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In the face of nearly 300 objections, East Cambridgeshire District Council is being recommended by its planning team to approve Soham Gateway and end the five year battle to build 540 homes in the town.

A separate application, for a replacement state of the art 22,000 sq. feet Staploe Medical Centre and pharmacy to the rear of the existing centre, is also recommended for approval.

A special planning committee of East Cambridgeshire District Council will be held at 2pm on August 13 to debate both applications.

If successful it will be the culmination of years of debate and discussion since a Soham Vision Masterplan was first conceived and approved in 2011by East Cambridgeshire District Council.

The first application – for 553 homes – was brought forward in 2017 but then withdrawn two years later.

Now, with the application passed from Cambridgeshire County Council to its own development arm, This Land Ltd, officers at East Cambs believe it is ready to be tested by the planning committee.

The site is west of the A142 between East Fen Common and Qua Fen Common and east of east Of Brewhouse Lane Soham.



Planning committee members at East Cambs

Planning committee members at East Cambs

“Members are recommended to approve the application,” says the officers’ report.

However, a vast array of conditions will be attached, if the committee agrees, which will include a S106 agreement (community benefit) and a commitment to a minimum of 20 per cent of the homes being classified as affordable.

And at least five per cent of the total number of homes must be available for self-build across the site.

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This Land must also produce a detailed plan that outlines how the site will be managed over at least 30 years to create and enhance habitats for biodiversity net gain (BNG); and to manage and monitor the BNG – mitigation for predation from pets against protected and notable species.

And £125 per house will be sought towards the towards the restoration, management, and enhancement of the Qua Fen Common and the East Fen Common and Soham Wet Horse Fen SSSI and Soham Commons County Wildlife Sites.

Developers will also be asked to pay £220,000 towards provision or improvements of sports facilities in Soham £1,010,708 towards early years education, £3,502,626 towards primary education, £3,008,250 towards secondary education and £79,650 towards libraries provision.

Extra money is sought for improvements to the A142 roundabout junctions with The Shade; A1123 / Fordham Road; and Station Road / B1102.

There is also a financial contribution of £220,000 being sought for provision or improvements of sports facilities in Soham.


An earlier version of this article had the wrong date for the meeting. It is on 13/08/2024 – 14:00.

Venue:  Council Chamber, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, CB7 4EE

Added notes by East Cambridgeshire District Council: 

We are aware many members of the public are interested in attending this committee meeting. Whilst we are working to accommodate as many people as we can in our Council Chamber, to avoid any disappointment, the link to the livestream of this meeting will be posted on Tuesday morning to enable you to hear and see the meeting wherever you are


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