If councils handed out awards to clueless residents (they don’t) a Cambourne resident would be a proud recipient of one after leaving their address on papers fly tipped in a car park.
It led to an environmental crime officer from South Cambridgeshire District Council following up the lead and the hapless fly tipper being issued with a £700 Fixed Penalty Notice.
The resident left a cardboard box “and personal correspondence” next to the clothing banks in the car park near Home Bargains in Cambourne.
A council spokesperson said the items were found by an environmental crime officer “and enquiries into the waste and how it came to be dumped led to the owners being formally interviewed under caution”.
The spokesperson added: “They admitted leaving it next to the bins – which is considered fly tipping.
“As a result of the investigation, they were issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of £700, reduced to £420 if paid within 10 days.”

Cllr Dr Shrobona Bhattacharya, district councillor of Cambourne ward, said: “I have received numerous complaints from residents about the illegal dumping of rubbish at this car park.
“This has been an ongoing problem, and it’s frustrating to see that some people continue to engage in this unlawful behaviour, whether knowingly or unknowingly.
“I am pleased to see that a fine has been handed out to a fly tipper which I hope serves as a warning to others.
“Fly-tipping is not only illegal but also harmful to our environment and the health of our residents.
Cllr Bhattacharya added: “It is unacceptable that a few individuals are causing trouble for the entire community by dumping waste irresponsibly.”
South Cambs Council says a second person was fined £240 for littering when they threw waste on the car park floor at Longstanton recreation ground, without trying to recover it.
Cllr Natalie Warren Green, Cabinet member for environmental services and waste, said: “The fines serve as a clear warning that illegal waste disposal will not be tolerated, and that offenders will face serious consequences.
“Fly-tipping and littering is a blight on our communities, turning our shared spaces into eyesores and putting an unfair burden on our residents to report incidences.
“It’s not just illegal; it’s a selfish act that devalues our neighbourhoods, threatens wildlife, and disrespects the hard work we all put into making the district a great place to live.
“We are committed to cracking down on this behaviour and ensuring our community remains clean, safe, and welcoming for everyone.”
Fly tipping – or illegally dumping waste on land without a permit – is a serious and criminal matter under the Environmental Protection Act for which the courts can impose a maximum fine of £50,000 or an unlimited fine and up to five years in prison.
Courts can also order the forfeiture of vehicles used in incidents.

Littering is also an offence under the Environmental Protection Act and carries a fine up to £2,500.
As part of the UK’s ongoing push to counter the hazards caused by litter, the fines for this offence increased earlier this year with the maximum fine by Fixed Penalty Notice rising to £500.
South Cambridgeshire District Council set their upper limit to £400.