A man who has been ordered by a court not to ask people for money has been jailed.
Earl Allen, 50, was handed the Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) on 12 August which prevents him from causing anti-social behaviour (ASB).
The order states he must not:
- approach any person with the intention of asking for money or any other object
- place or hold any item in front or near to himself in such a manner as to attract passers-by to place money in it
- cause any anti-social behaviour as defined by harassment, alarm, or distress in a public place
Failure to comply with the conditions of the CBO is an arrestable offence.
On Monday afternoon (7 November), CCTV operators in Peterborough city centre spotted Allen in Cathedral Square, approaching members of the public with his hands held together in a pleading motion.
Allen was monitored by the camera operators and seen to continue along Long Causeway and Broadway, approaching people in the same manner.
City Centre neighbourhood officers were alerted over the radio and found Allen in Fitzwilliam Street, where he was arrested.
On two separate occasions last week Allen was seen begging; on Tuesday (1 November), he approached an off-duty council enforcement officer in Oundle Road, Woodston, and asked her for money before continuing walking down the road.
The following day (Wednesday 2 November) he was spotted on CCTV approaching people with his hands out in the city centre.
Allen, of Towler Street, Peterborough city centre, appeared at Cambridge Magistrates’ Court yesterday (Tuesday) where he admitted three breaches of his CBO by asking people for money, and was sentenced to eight weeks in prison.

Sergeant Andy Gladders, from Peterborough’s City Centre NPT, said: “There have been concerns about ASB in the city centre for some time now, including begging, street drinking and drug use.
“We continue to work closely with Peterborough City Council’s Prevention and Enforcement Team (PES) to tackle the issue, alongside our own patrols and with the help of CCTV operators who are a huge help in being able to monitor activity across the city.
“Despite working with partner agencies such as drug and alcohol support services, Allen has continued to cause a nuisance to the public, and often fear.
“I would like to reassure the local community that support continues to be in place to help get Allen on a better path, however, for as long as he is causing concern, we will take action.”
Anyone with information about Allen breaching his CBO should contact police via the web chat service or online forms at www.cambs.police.uk/report.
Those without internet access should call 101.