A Wisbech home has been “closed” by a court following persistent anti-social behaviour (ASB) relating to drug use and dealing at the premises.
The order was issued to 20 West Street by the local Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) after a successful application to Cambridge Magistrates’ Court yesterday (Tuesday).
It states the premises is to be “closed immediately to all persons” – including the legal tenant – “and remain closed for three months”.
Police say people have “have engaged in anti-social behaviour on the premises and its use is associated with significant and persistent disorder or persistent serious nuisance to the public”.

PC Foster-Bentham, from the Wisbech NPT, said: “I hope this action provides some reassurance to the local community that we take concerns of anti-social behaviour seriously.
“Despite warrants being carried out by both us and Norfolk police the activity has continued to take place, therefore we have used our powers to apply for a full closure order to temporarily remove everyone from the property.”
He added that breaching the order is a criminal offence which could result in imprisonment for up to three months, a fine, or both.

Employees from Clarion Housing Association and the emergency services are allowed onto the premises for the purpose of their duty.
Tackling ASB is a priority for many neighbourhood teams across the county. Information and advice, as well as the option to report information, can be found on the force’s dedicated ASB web pages.
Anyone with information about the closure order being breached should report to police online or call 101.