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Fenland BusFest at Whittlesey cancelled but Ramsey classic vehicle show goes ahead

For now, it’s goodbye to Fenland BusFest as we know it

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Next month’s Fenland BusFest in Whittlesey has been cancelled after organisers failed to reach their target of entries. Eastern Bus Enthusiasts – a group dedicated to the preservation of buses and coaches – announced the decision tonight.

Ramsey Rural Museum classic vehicle show will still go ahead on the same day – Sunday May 19 – and Eastern Bus Enthusiasts are hoping members will take their buses and coaches there for the day.

“And subject to vehicle availability, circular bus trips will be operated from the site around the Ramsey locality,” said their statement.

For now, it's goodbye to Fenland BusFest as we know it. Buses can be on display at Ramsey Rural Museum/Classic Car Show. PHOTO: Terry Harris

For now, it’s goodbye to Fenland BusFest as we know it. Buses can be on display at Ramsey Rural Museum/Classic Car Show. PHOTO: Terry Harris

Eastern Bus Enthusiasts reminded people that running a preserved bus is an expensive hobby, with legislation preventing a fare being charged and miles per gallon usually in single figures.

“It is a shame but not altogether unsurprising that the number of entries is down for this year, given the current financial climate and that other bus events happening on the same day elsewhere in the country,” said their statement.

“We have always maintained the third weekend in May as our traditional date, but more and more events seem to spring up every year diluting the classic bus circle.

“We are grateful to everyone who has supported BusFest; the bus owners, stall holders, enthusiasts and families who have enjoyed some of the hundreds of free bus journeys run over the last 12 years.

“It takes a lot to put on an event like this and it’s not been without its stresses.

For now, it's goodbye to Fenland BusFest as we know it. Buses can be on display at Ramsey Rural Museum/Classic Car Show. PHOTO: Terry Harris

For now, it’s goodbye to Fenland BusFest as we know it. Buses can be on display at Ramsey Rural Museum/Classic Car Show. PHOTO: Terry Harris

“However, it’s also been very rewarding for us, particularly to be able to do this in Fenland where we know our event has brought a boost to the local economy through increased spend in cafes, pubs and shops.”

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The statement added: “For now, it’s goodbye to Fenland BusFest as we know it. Buses can be on display at Ramsey Rural Museum/Classic Car Show. Existing bus entries do not need to do anything. Your entry will automatically be transferred to the Ramsey site at the Rural Museum & 1940s Camp and we will be writing to confirm arrangements.”

New entries for buses and coaches at Ramsey can made by email to and

For now, it's goodbye to Fenland BusFest as we know it. Buses can be on display at Ramsey Rural Museum/Classic Car Show. PHOTO: Terry Harris

For now, it’s goodbye to Fenland BusFest as we know it. Buses can be on display at Ramsey Rural Museum/Classic Car Show. PHOTO: Terry Harris

If you’re an existing vehicle entrant and wish NOT to attend the event at Ramsey please email

Sales stall holders are welcome to transfer their booking to Ramsey also, please email to confirm your attendance.

The statement concluded: “Alongside buses and coaches on display at Ramsey, we hope there will be bus and coach tours operated from the Ramsey 1940s Camp which will run a non-stop short circular tour around the town. This is strictly subject to availability.

“If we do have the vehicles and owners willing to run this, timings will be published on the day of the event. Trips will be on a first-come first-served basis.

For now, it's goodbye to Fenland BusFest as we know it. Buses can be on display at Ramsey Rural Museum/Classic Car Show. PHOTO: Terry Harris

For now, it’s goodbye to Fenland BusFest as we know it. Buses can be on display at Ramsey Rural Museum/Classic Car Show. PHOTO: Terry Harris

“We know that there will be some disappointment that we are unable to run BusFest.

For now, it's goodbye to Fenland BusFest as we know it. Buses can be on display at Ramsey Rural Museum/Classic Car Show. PHOTO: Terry Harris

For now, it’s goodbye to Fenland BusFest as we know it. Buses can be on display at Ramsey Rural Museum/Classic Car Show. PHOTO: Terry Harris

“Thanks for your support over the last 12 years and we’re sorry that we are unable to run the event this year: a decision that we have not taken lightly.”



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