A woman stopped in Huntingdon on Wednesday was more than FIVE times over the legal drink limit to add to nearly 700 suspected drink or drug drivers arrested already this year across Cambridgeshire. The Huntingdon arrest was announced today as Cambridgeshire launches its Christmas and New Year drink drive safety campaign.
“On Wednesday (29 November) officers arrested a woman in Huntingdon after she blew 193 – more than five times the legal drink drive limit of 35 microgrammes of alcohol in 100ml of breath,” said a police spokesperson.

“Yesterday she was charged with drink driving, driving without insurance and without a licence.”
Home Office data reveals Cambridgeshire to have breath tested nine drivers per 1,000 population in 2020 – almost double the average of five drivers tested per 1000 population in Britain.
This was one of the highest rates of breathalysing in 2020, second behind only three other forces, with a high number of positive (or refused) tests.
At least 230 people have been killed or injured on roads across Cambridgeshire since the start of 2022 because of a drink or drug driver.
In February, Tomasz Zylinski caused a head-on crash which killed one man and left three seriously injured.
In the moments after the crash, he tried to restart his engine and was described by a witness as “stinking of alcohol”. He was later found to be more than three times the legal drink drive limit. Zylinski was handed eight years behind bars.

In July, Asadul Karim smashed into the side of a car at 100mph, instantly killing a man.
He lost control of his car when approaching a roundabout. His victim, who was just 36, had been waiting at a red light. Karim was jailed for twelve years.
A total of 690 suspected drink and drug drivers have been arrested in Cambridgeshire so far this year, with the last month of the year still to go.
The 690 arrests so far this year compared to 812 arrests in 2022. Police will be carrying out roadside checks across the county due to the serious consequences of drink driving.

PC Sam Sparkes, from the BCH Road Policing Unit, is a family liaison officer (FLO), who supports families whose loved ones have been killed or seriously injured on our roads.
She said: “Knocking at someone’s door at any time of the year to tell them the life-changing news that their family member will not be coming home is difficult, but it is especially hard around Christmas, when families are looking forward to spending the time together.
“It’s also difficult when an incident could have been avoided – for example if someone called a taxi instead of deciding to drink or take drugs and drive.

“One incident which will always stay with me is where a drunk driver and their child died on Christmas day; being the one to tell the family this news was heartbreaking.
“We don’t want to be telling your family this Christmas that you will not be there to celebrate with them.
“The message is simple, please do not drink or take drugs and drive.”
Cambridgeshire police say people can help make the roads of Cambridgeshire safer for everyone by confidentially reporting others they suspect of driving while under the influence of drink or drugs.

The force’s dedicated, confidential hotline: 0800 032 0845 is available 24/7. If someone is in immediate danger, always call 999.
Calls to the hotline nearly tripled after the force’s Christmas campaign last year, with five calls in November compared to 13 calls in December. Throughout 2022, there was a total of 119 calls to the hotline.
Police and Crime Commissioner Darryl Preston said: “There is no excuse for anyone to drink and drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
“You have a duty to yourself and other road users to drive responsibly and safely to protect lives – do not ruin anyone’s Christmas.

“Get home safe this festive season and make responsible choices.”
For more information about drink or drug driving, the law and the dangers it can cause, visit the force’s dedicated web page.