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Say No to Sunnica raises £3,000 in a day for legal challenge to £600m solar farm

It has set itself a target of £12,000 for legal costs

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£3,000 has been raised in a matter of hours to help fund a £12,000 legal challenge for a £600m 2,500 acre solar farm on the Cambridgeshire/Suffolk border. Described by campaigners as “severely flawed” the Labour government’s decision to approve the solar and battery energy plant has been widely condemned.

Say No to Sunnica – a volunteer-run community action group – has launched a fund raising campaign to mount a legal challenge by way of pressing for a judicial review.

“We need your help funding a judicial review of the DESNZ Secretary of State’s decision to grant development consent for the vast Sunnica Solar & Battery Energy farm, against the advice of the government’s expert examiners,” says the group.

It has set itself a target of £12,000 for legal costs and after one day 37 pledges had got the total to £3,070.

Say No to Sunnica has campaigned for years and says ‘this ill-conceived Sunnica scheme was so very close to being rejected - we need to keep up the fight’

Say No to Sunnica has campaigned for years and says ‘this ill-conceived Sunnica scheme was so very close to being rejected – we need to keep up the fight’

Say No to Sunnica says approval of the scheme “is the slippery slope of risking UK food security by targeting one of the UK’s most prolific and highly productive areas for growing food crops.

“We are taking action to protect our food security, our wildlife, our rare and protected species, our heritage sites and local economies, including the internationally famous horseracing and breeding industry in Newmarket”.

The group says: “There is no need to industrialise vast swathes of unique Breckland and Fenland landscapes with ‘bad solar’ projects like Sunnica.

“Research shows that the UK’s solar targets can be achieved quickly and at scale through ‘good solar’ projects installed on rooftops, car parks, brownfield sites, etc. There are other ways to meet our Net Zero targets without harming the environment.

“It is wrong that the evidence-backed recommendations of the impartial Examining Authority can be overruled without proper consideration and understanding of the many harms of this scheme.

“They concluded after months of scrutinising evidence from multiple experts, visiting the sites and holding public hearings that this scheme should NOT be approved. The many harms would not be outweighed by any perceived benefit.

Say No to Sunnica has campaigned for years and says ‘this ill-conceived Sunnica scheme was so very close to being rejected - we need to keep up the fight’

Say No to Sunnica has campaigned for years and says ‘this ill-conceived Sunnica scheme was so very close to being rejected – we need to keep up the fight’

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“We feel that the credibility of the planning system has been undermined by this surprising decision.”

Say No to Sunnica says the scheme continues to be universally opposed – by the 4 district and county councils, parish and town councils, local MPs, the combined authority mayor, as well as hundreds of residents, businesses, nature and environmental groups, heritage and recreation groups.

“Over 1300 objections were submitted during the rigorous 6-month examination, far more than any NSIP solar scheme in the UK to date,” says Say No to Sunnica.

“This is testament to the poor quality of this scheme and the harm it would inflict over a huge area.

“We need your financial support NOW; it is a fixed timescale – we have just ONE MONTH, and the clock is ticking!

“There is no right of appeal – Judicial Review is the only option for challenge.”

In March 2022 MPs Lucy Frazer and Matt Hancock (above) joined forces to join a ‘No to Sunnica march’. Ms Frazer lost her seat at the general election; Mr Hancock did not stand.

In March 2022 MPs Lucy Frazer and Matt Hancock (above) joined forces to join a ‘No to Sunnica march’. Ms Frazer lost her seat at the general election; Mr Hancock did not stand.

It adds: “The decision sets a dangerous precedent for UK top-level decisions and ignores the democratic voice of the people. You will help this and potentially other communities from being destroyed by this infrastructure.”

Say to No to Sunnica has launched a CROWDJUSTICE fundraising site – the link below to the Crowdjustice page and follow the links to donate.

Say No to Sunnica adds: “Please give what you can and please share the link as widely as you can – we only have 30 days to reach our initial target of £12,000 and the clock is ticking!

“This ill-conceived Sunnica scheme was so very close to being rejected – we need to keep up the fight.”




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