Slimmers chipped in some weighty donations to support their local foodbank. Members of Slimming World at Wimblington made a sizeable donation today to support their local foodbank.
The March outlet, part of Ely foodbank, heard from the March manager Becky Cooper.
“She gave the group a talk on current demand versus supply and thanked everyone for playing a part in helping to meet this need,” said an Ely foodbank spokesperson.
Dawn Breacher of Wimblington Slimming World members said: “Becky was very grateful for all the donations and said it will help many more families who are in need this year!

“It is always nice to give something back.”
The slimming club members met for a Christmas breakfast, cooked by Dawn, who then collected “all these kind donations from our members”.
Dawn runs the Slimming World group in Wimblington Parish Hall every Monday 9.30am and 11am and will be open on Sunday New Year’s Eve
If anyone wishes to lose weight, eat real food, or just get healthy in 2024 give Dawn a ring on 07515557803 or pop along and she will be glad to help you.