Sainsbury’s superstore in Huntingdon has everything a shopper could wish for – and that includes superb CCTV which caught a bike thief. The images captured on the store’s CCTV was quickly able to detect the man who brazenly pulled alongside a cherished silver Carrera Vulcan bike and broke the lock to steal it.
The CCVT showed the offender face on as he then pulled the bike out from the rack, and he is then seen moving away wheeling the stolen bike alongside his own.
Cambridgeshire police released the CCTV footage after thief Danny Bygrave was sentenced.

The victim contacted police on 10 August after his Carrera Vulcan bike was stolen from outside Sainsbury’s in Germain Walk.
Officers reviewed CCTV and identified 39-year-old Bygrave as being responsible.
At Huntingdon magistrates’ court on Thursday (5 September), Bygrave, of Turner Road, Colchester, was sentenced to eight weeks in prison, suspended for a year.
He previously pleaded guilty to two counts of bike theft and possession of a class A drug
PC Jack Hayden, who investigated, said: “For many people, a bike can be a lifeline and their only method of transport and/or their tool for exercise.
“We recognise the impact these thefts can have on people’s lives, and we’re committed to catching those responsible and putting them before the courts.”
CCTV footage can be viewed here: