Travellers through Whittlesey tonight are advised to make extra time for their journeys with one route out of town closed by flooding and another held up by one way traffic lights on a bridge.
The B1040 through to Thorney or along North Bank into Peterborough is closed because of flooding.

And the A605 Whittlesey to Peterborough road is experiencing delays, as it has done since June, due to ongoing restrictions on the Ralph Butcher Causeway, the new bridge for at King’s Dyke.
This afternoon hold-ups of 30 minutes were not an uncommon experience for those using the A605 into and out of Peterborough.
The situation is unlikely to improve anytime soon with flooding of the B1040 and North Bank expected to continue for some days.

The Environment Agency latest report says that “heavy rain is currently falling in the Peterborough area which is causing the river levels to rise on the River Nene.
“The Whittlesey Wash flood storage reservoir is being operated to protect nearby communities from flooding.
“The rising levels in the Wash will result in flooding of the B1040 road.”

The agency says “diversionary routes will be put in place and further updates will be available through local media.
“We are closely monitoring the situation.”
Flood warning area: B1040 Thorney to Whittlesey Road to the South of the River Nene.
A second flood warning for North Bank Road alongside the River Nene, east of Peterborough and west of Dog-in-a-Doublet Sluice,
The Environment Agency that during periods of high tide the River Nene will be unable to discharge into the sea, resulting in tide lock conditions.
“This is likely to lead to localised flooding of the North Bank Road, between Peterborough and Rings End throughout today, Tuesday 1st October 2024 and into tomorrow,” it says.

Flood warning area: North Bank Road alongside the River Nene to the east of Peterborough and the West of the Dog-in-a-Doublet Sluice.