Three Inch Fools will present two family shows The Secret Diary of Henry VIII and The Comedy of Errors at Wimpole Hall on Friday, August 9 and Saturday, August 10.
Who knows what Henry VIII was actually thinking? Every time he married a new wife, did he think: “This time I will get it right”?
His story is indeed a “horrible history”, but a fun theatre company called Three Inch Fools are presenting a play which they say is a guide to keeping your head in a Tudor court. Not easy as we know. Two of Henry’s wives lost theirs.
But here is a fun show – is a madcap musical take on an historical figure.

This is a newly written comedy, a family show being presented at Wimpole Hall on Saturday, August 10. It’s outdoors and it starts at 7pm and audiences are invited to take chairs or blankets and bring a picnic.
Four actors will play some 50 different parts with some very quick changes. As the company founder and producer James Hyde says: “They will be very fleet of foot.”

The company is also presenting their own version (suitable for all ages) of Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors – a story of mistaken identity when twins get taken for each other.
Though the actors they are keeping to the Bard’s own words, this is an edited version designed to make the play accessible to all ages.
Hyde says: “We hope this will appeal to people who think that Shakespeare is not for them.” The Comedy of Errors will be at Wimpole, also at 7pm on Friday, August 9.

Both the plays – both being staged outdoors – include music and the four actors will between them play 15 different roles in the Shakespeare play.
This is the 10th anniversary of Three Inch Fools who have been well received in Wimpole three times before and also delighted audiences in Ely.
They tour every summer, and this year will have given 105 performances between May and September. The rest of the year they give workshops in schools including an abridged Macbeth.
Book tickets for The Comedy of Errors on Friday, August 9, and The Secret Diary of Henry VIII online at: