A threatened far right protest in Peterborough failed to happen on Sunday evening but that didn’t stop counter protestors using social media to message each other to gather in Cathedral Square. A small contingent of police turned up to evaluate any likely protest but in the event only 30 or 40 so counter protestors turned up and soon began to move away.
Advance notice of a possible protest/riot on a scale similar to many other parts of the country began circulating on Tik Tok and Facebook during the day.

One of those who shared to his Facebook and Tik Tok pages, warned “all cab drivers, take away owners, other operators, all sisters and the young go home”.
He wrote: “Far Right have posted they will be meeting in Peterborough city centre 7pm. “Be careful – don’t go to work.”

He added unfounded allegations of extra police being at Peterborough rail station “as Great Northern being used as an asylum hotel,” which is untrue since all asylum seekers left the hotel in February.

Peterborough MP Andrew Pakes issued a statement describing ongoing violence in parts of the country as “horrific and shameful. These are not protesters. They are thugs.
“I am shocked by the violence. Our country is about living side by side as neighbours regardless of race or religion. We know that well in Peterborough.

“This is not peaceful protest”.
The MP added: “The thugs have threatened mosques, burnt down a library and attacked a hotel with people inside. They have attacked the police and whipped up hate. There is no justification for these actions. Crime is crime.
“Hate and racism do not represent our communities. This violent mob doesn’t not represent our country. They are thugs and deserve to face the full force of the law.
Please reach out in the coming days if you are worried.

“We will not allow the far right to divide our communities.”
Meanwhile one counter protestor posted that she “cycled into town and did a few circuits of Cathedral Square. No-one there at 7.15pm”.

Another added: “We are here in case; they aren’t getting a free ride in Peterborough.”